Export Aggregate Data
This workflow enables aggregate data to be generated and exported to another system. This is useful for exporting routine reporting data to an upstream HMIS system for high-level reporting.
Workflow Maturity
Workflow is defined and ARB approved
Workflow is supported by the IHE ADX profile
ADX for structuring aggregate data - http://www.ihe.net/uploadedFiles/Documents/QRPH/IHE_QRPH_Suppl_ADX_Rev1.0_PC_2015-05-29.pdf
Assumptions and Prerequisites
The External HMIS and the HMIS inside the OpenHIE infrastructure must use the same metadata (indicators, disaggregates and facilities) or there must be translation steps added.
HMIS- The system that will be receiving aggregate data. Examples of this system could be an external HMIS system or an HIE.
IOL - The Interoperability Layer (IOL) is the component that enables easier interoperability between disparate information systems by connecting the infrastructure services and client applications together. An interoperability layer receives transactions from the point of service systems and coordinates interaction between components of the HIE and provides common core functions to simplify the interoperability between systems.
HMIS - The system that produces the aggregate data to be exported.
Interaction Description
Data / Note
Transaction Standards
Initiate the transaction, aggregate months into quarters as necessary and create the aggregate data message.
ADX - Aggregate Data generated by the HMIS.
Export the Aggregate Data Message to the IL
ADX - Aggregate Data generated by the HMIS.
Map site codes (optional if site / facility codes are aligned between the two systems)
Mapping Mediator uses a CSD transaction to determine if there are local site codes that need to be translated to the Global site codes. If so, they are translated.
Update the ADX message with the receiver's site codes
Update the ADX message with receiver's site codes.
Return processing response
The External system will process the aggregate data message and respond with information about the records processed and/or provide a description of errors.
May contain error messages and/or confirmation of successful processing.
Log the processing response
Forward aggregate data processing response
Process the response
This step can be different for different implementations. The HMIS can be used to inform the user via an interface or a message. The response will contain error messages or provide information about the successful processing of the message.
Last updated