Retrieve Health Certificate

A verifier (point-of-care application or any authorized application outside of the HIE) can use this transaction to verify a Digital Documentation COVID Certificate (DDCC) Immunization event. This may include COVID immunizations and negative tests.

Workflow Maturity

Newly Defined

  • Workflow is defined by WHO and has OpenHIE ARB approval

  • Initial implementations are being considered.


Assumptions and Prerequisites

  • The appropriate trust agreements and processes have been put in place for the Verifier to receive the certificate.

  • The appropriate transactions denoting health certificate status have been stored. This may include saving a vaccine or a lab test event to a shared health record via Save Patient-level Clinical Data Workflow.


  • Verifier (External System) - External system or Point-of-care system requesting the vaccine status.

  • IOL - The interoperability layer that secures and orchestrates the exchange of information (see OHIE Interoperability layer)

  • SHR (or Vaccine Service Repository) - The shared health record that serves as a centralized data store for patients’ longitudinal health record

Interaction Description

The Interaction Description is stored in the "Retrieve Health Certificate Reference" in the WHO FHIR IG.

References: WHO DDCC Workflows

Last updated