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A good project plan should address resources (technical and human), cost constraints and estimated timing. The resource plan and project plans might address the following types of activities that are considered to be in scope for the project:
Identification of architecture stakeholders.
If an eHealth Governance structure is not already in place, you will most likely need to outline time and activities to establish the governance structure.
Necessary governance checkpoints for the Architecture creation.
You may want to consider doing an inventory of existing health software / software projects. This will help with understanding of tools in the field.
Defining requirements or specific scope of the information and data exchanges that the architecture needs to support.
Establishing .
Defining and documenting the principles and architecture components.
Defining standards. For example, are there specific data exchange standards such as those mentioned in the . You may also want to consider aspects such as noting that new software should support standard APIs.
Defining processes, procedures and expectations for new project teams. For example, there may be specific times that a project team needs to present to a governance or architecture team to provide a plan for alignment with the architecture principles and standards.
Defining roles and governance structures to establish and support curation of the architecture and support project teams in aligning with the architecture.
(Chapter 3: Identify System Challenges and Needs)
Architecture Level Project