AI Predictive Adherence Counseling (South Africa)
Palindrome and Right to Care, South Africa (September 2021)
Last updated
Palindrome and Right to Care, South Africa (September 2021)
Last updated
Model that can predict whether a patient will miss their next scheduled appointment. Patient gets a tailored intervention based on the results.
Presenter: Tom Compton, Right to Care; Kieran Sharpey-Schafer, Palindrome
Data Elements
Viral load
Clinical data (age, gender, viral load history, visit pattern)
Compared to adherence scorecard Model performance:
Loss to follow up:
Accuracy – 66%
Specificity- 94%
Sensitivity -61%
Graphs were presented on tracking LTFU at different stages of care
Technology Requirements / Interoperability
Machine learning and AI
Patient risk score are used to assist workers in nudging towards intervention.
Calculations / Algorithms
Machine Learning Algorithm
Total Adherence Score
Factors to Scale
Implementation Considerations
What are the impacts of telling someone they’re high risk?
Governance Considerations