Pre-Appointment Reminders (Nigeria)

DataFI, Nigeria (February 2021)

Intervention Description

SMS reminders (clinical visits, drug refills, viral load investigation) based upon care management appointment lists.

Presenter: Alexander Alozie, DataFI

DUC Meeting Recording

Intervention Details

Patient demographics

Contact details

Client registration

Appointment scheduling

SMS reminder functions

SMS reminders (clinical visits, drug refills, viral load investigation)

Care management (appointment and defaulters list)

LAMISLite mobile application

SMS reminder system use SMS Gateway implemented on LAMIS central server.

SMS reminders are sent in client preferred language

Clients must subscribe to SMS reminder by signing a consent form. The messages sent to client does not reveal any health status for confidentiality reasons.

Client can send a specially formatted message to a short code to receive information on his/her appointment.

Last updated