Outside the Visit

The following are examples of the types of interventions that may occur in preparation of a visit or outside of the patient's interaction with the health system.

  • Health facility has a documented process to generate an appointment list

  • Health facility follows a standardized process to successfully generate and review quality of an appointment list in terms of completeness, accuracy, timeliness.

  • Appointment scheduling tools are integrated with the electronic patient record system

  • Health facility has created a document that describes some of the data elements required to identify, track and trace, treat, and test patients

  • Health facility collects patient data in paper form in an ad-hoc manner

  • Health facility has developed/adapted standard digital system for patient records.

  • Patient record management system and processes are routinely reviewed and updated at facility to support patient care and program data requirements.

Congestion Redistribution Examples Include:

Health facility routinely reviews and updates appointment management processes to inform missed appointment tracking and process monitoring

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