
This Identity Management Toolkit is a collaborative effort between multiple Communities, individuals and groups. It is intended to be a space for all who are working in identity management to bring together resources, share work in progress, and collectively develop key takeaways and considerations for those planning or currently implementing an identity management strategy.

Below are references shared from members of the Patient Identity Management communities. If you have additional references to include, please add them to the virtual forum or contact the Secretariat at


  1. ā€‹Global Informatics Collaborative Sandbox The Global Informatics Collaborative (GIC) Sandbox is a collaborative environment that enables stakeholders to learn about, explore, experiment with, and share products, solutions, and experiences for digital health. The Sandbox is the platform that both supports and disseminates products developed by the Technical Assistance Platform (TAP) GIC.

  2. ā€‹UNAIDS Considerations and Guidance for Countries Adopting National Health Identifiers - This document focuses on the development of unique health identifiers at the country level, referred to as national health identifiers (NHIDs).

  3. A Responsible Biometric Deployment Handbook ā€” This handbook was authored by James Eaton-Lee at Simprints Technology Ltd, and generously supported by the Notre Dame-IBM Tech Ethics Lab, who funded work leading to this material.

Share additional resources that should be added to this Toolkit in the virtual forum.

Last updated